Monday, December 15, 2008

QTP Tutorials 7 - Bitmap Checkpoint

Now we will look at the bitmap checkpoint which is different from the image checkpoint.

Make sure that QTP and the Flight application are open.


1. Open a blank test.

2. Click on Record. When we click on Record, "Record and Run Settings" window
opens up. Go to "Windows Applications" tab and choose first option "Record and
run test on any open windows based application." and click Ok.
3. Go to Insert (menu)->Checkpoint->Bitmap Checkpoint
4. Click on the "Fly To" combo box.
5. "Object Selection- Bitmap Checkpoint Properties" window opens up. It will have "WinComboBox:Fly To" highlighted. Click ok
6. It will open "Bitmap Checkpoint Properties" window.
7. Change the "Checkpoint timeout" at the bottom of the window to 0 seconds, so that we will have no wait time while running the test.
8. Click ok.
9. Click stop to stop recording the test.


Above, after 3rd point, instead of clicking on the "Fly To" combo box, click somewhere in the empty space above the "Fly From" Combo box but below the line, i.e. in the "Flight Schedule" area.

"Object Selection- Bitmap Checkpoint Properties" window opens up. It will have "WinObject:Flight Schedule" highlighted. Click ok

It will open "Bitmap Checkpoint Properties" winodow. This time it will have "Flight schedule" area instead of just the "Fly To" combo box.

Now click on the "Select Area..." button. Mouse pointer will change so that you can select any area by dragging. Just select "Fly From" combo box by dragging.

Change the "Checkpoint timeout" at the bottom of the window to 0 seconds. so that we will have no wait time while running the test.

Click ok.

Click stop to stop recording the test.

Now you can run the test it will pass. To see how it stores the results, just fail the test. If you have recorded in the style A then just select any value in the "Fly To" combo box and then run the test. In the result window on the left hand side when you click on Checkpoint "Fly To:", it will show you the expected bitmap and actual bitmap on the right hand side. (note: it will show that only in case of Failed result)

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